Rabu, 27 Januari 2016

Seems a lot of people have been making chess boards lately.
Bill Wilson is such a prolific woodworker. Im always impressed at the volume of projects he cranks out. Heres his multi-use chess board: chess, checkers and dominoes. I love the chess pieces.
Jim Allgeier from Cape Charles, VA built this chess board based on my design from a few years ago. He used Maple and Cherry (I like that combination for a chess board) and gave this to his ten-year-old son for Christmas.
Over on Facebook, Bert Collett posted his chess board made with black walnut and curly maple. The box is black walnut. The base and drawers are old heart pine. Just gorgeous.
Unrelated to chess (but using a similar technique to create the grid pattern) I just completed my first cutting board. I kind of screwed up the alignment of the pattern, but Im still fairly satisfied. 

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