Heres a clever book stand from Don Johnson. I love the simple, yet functional nature of it. Plus, it can easily be shipped flat.

Small keepsake boxes make great gifts. Especially is you can find something special to put inside! Here is a 5" x 7" box made by Dan Pompe. Beautiful detailing.

Intarsia! Love this sleigh by Randy Cosgrove.

Randy also made this scroll sawn piece designed by Sheila Landry. If you arent familiar with Sheilas work, now is a good time to plug her web site. She is the scrollsaw queen and has tons of patterns. Check them out!

You probably remember ????? ????????? (Nick) and his guitar a few weeks ago. Hes back with this photo-transferred gift box. Its really a great box and a fun technique.

Mere Minutes
Finally, AJ (AJswoodshop), over on Lumberjocks noticed my new TV in my snowflake video. He was also observant enough to notice that moved my planer over to my rolling cart — which works out much better — and asked to see more in a Mere Minutes video. Well, I actually shot a video about my TV last week but decided not to post it. Well, here it is after all.

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