Senin, 28 Maret 2016

Junk monthAll this month I will be featuring storage and organization projects. If you have anything youd like to share, let me know!
January is a perfect time to start anew and spend some time organizing stuff. It is actually one of the more popular resolutions. And unlike "drop 30 pounds", organizing is easy to dive into and the rewards are much quicker!
Heres a project my wife has been wanting me to make for some time. We have a shelf on which we store canned food and it is always a mess. Somehow the cans always manage to intermingle, making it difficult to find what we are looking for.
I spent a lot of time getting back into SketchUp: I havent used it in a while. (Its one of my resolutions!) So while I cant say its the best plan in the world, it should help you to build this. I hope to really improve this year. If you want to make the dispenser to fit into a smaller space, just eliminate a couple of the dividers and scale it back.
Sketchup filePDF file.

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