Minggu, 13 Maret 2016

But before that, I wanted to show off this bench made by Dan, in Wheeling, West Virginia. For his beefy version, he used some old 4x4s he had lying around. Best part?
"If a tornado comes we can all hang on the bench. Its not going anywhere!!"
Ha! Definitely looks sturdy. Thanks Dan!
Heres a really cool idea from Brian over at GarageWoodworks.com. He calls it a Bernoulli Spiral Shell Clamp. I remember my first lesson in the golden ratio, Phi, and Fibonacci, a little over a year ago when I made a Fibonacci Gauge. (Which I still find very useful.)
It seems Bernoulli is another name associated with some sort of math that I really cant comprehend, yet find incredibly fascinating. 
Whatever the math and science involved, check out these clamps which are supremely clever and quite useful.
*****Reminder. Win Kreg stuff in the Mere Mortals video contest! Video entries due by Sunday.

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