It seems Quarto turned out to be my most popular project this past Christmas season. It has been fun seeing all the variations you have come up with. Jeff Hammond had the clever idea to add a chalkboard top to this one he made for his nephews so they can keep score as they play!

Bill Wilson made his version for his granddaughter. Not having a lathe, he used dowels for the round pieces:

"Byrdie" as he is known around the interwebs, made a couple of Quarto games as gifts and had the great idea to include a set of instructions with each one. If you would like to make a game as a gift, you here are his instructions all ready for you to print out.

Quick project idea! Even though Christmas has passed, there are always occasions to make quick gifts. Marinos Georgopoulos, a new woodworker in Greece with limited space and no power tools made these candle holders for his first project. Woodworking gifts dont have to be complicated to me well-received. I love the colors on these.

Another first project. This one from Mike Chambers who was ambitious enough to make this hickory and maple jewelry box for his wife. I always like to tell new woodworkers that boxes make good projects to start with. You can learn a lot of basic woodworking techniques by making one.

And speaking of boxes, check out Freeman Colemans first hardwood project he made out of tiger caspi wood. (Its based on a video I made ages ago.) Freeman says he never touched a saw until a month ago! Not bad at all.

It seems no update is complete without including a mallet! Here is one that Eric Duran made from olive wood.

Mikk Sülla in Estonia has been making end grain cutting boards. Cutting boards are great projects and leave a lot of room for creativity. He made these using oak, ash, birch, maple and walnut. Every woodworker should make at least one cutting board!

This little snowman from Randy Cosgrove is too cute not to share. Maple, walnut and padauk. Randy recently got a lathe and discovered Carl Jacobson’s web site and wood turning videos. Even if you dont you have a lathe, Carls weekly videos are worth watching!

Dont forget: its storage and organization month! Heres a great storage project for you winos. I mean wine drinkers. Stan Peters wine rack.

Mere Minutes
A follow-up to Fridays charging station video.

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