Minggu, 24 April 2016

Matthew Pausley, an obvious genius at Sketchup and 3D design, send over a couple variations on my retro coffee table. In his imagined versions, he uses classic 50s materials: plastic & metal.  One includes a Lucite top. I absolutely love these designs. If you built them, they would draw a handsome fee.
Tool storage. If you will recall, I wasnt thrilled with the method I used to hang my handsaws on the french cleat. Heres a solution Ofer Elimelech sketched up. I like it.
Joshua Blevins came across another solution from Woodsmith. Check out the article here.
Got a real nice note from Jon Hillstrom describing how his son Preston got him motivated him to get back into woodworking. Now Jon makes projects with his father-in-law in the garage and is planning on building a shed just for woodworking. Common interests can go a long way.
Cute alert. Heres Preston with the toolbox Dad made for him:
And heres a clever project. Jon made this toy organizer for his mother. The grandkids each have their own storage box with their names on the fronts.
A while back I experimented with some wood bending and made a quilt rack. Jeff Galak made one! Oak with walnut dowels. Beautiful! Read more about it here.
And speaking of bent lamination. Check out this instrument stand Dan Johns made. I love how graceful it looks. Thats an oud on it, by the way. A beautiful-sounding instrument.
Finally, if you are interested in short updates in my shop, Ive started experimenting with posting videos on Keek. Its sort of the Twitter version of YouTube: videos are only 30 seconds long. Its kind of fun to shoot quick updates on my phone and instantly upload them. Watch videos online or download the Keek app for your mobile device. You can also subscribe to my feed if you want update notifications on your phone. Heres my page.

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