Minggu, 10 April 2016

Because Im pretty sure we all wish Valentines Day was every day, I knew you would want to see more heart projects. Um, yeah. Actually, a lot of people had to wait to send me pictures after the 14th so their Valentines would be surprised. Good stuff here. And it  should be the end of the hearts for another year!*****Andrew Pritchards oak and plywood bandsaw box.
Check out Annemieke van Bavels wildly imaginative bathroom. So many ideas to borrow here.
A few people checked in with their versions of my recent heart-shaped box with tray.
Delks Custom Furniture made this with bubinga and wenge.
I love the curved shape Gianclaudio Milano added to his tray.
Jim Jarvis gave his a different look simply by extending the base. 
Ross Copper used reclaimed oak and even cut oak veneer to cover the difficult-to-deal-with end grain.
This is James Blokdijks first bandsaw box and this weeks "aw" moment. Ring included.
Glenn Shea made this candy box based on the one I made last year. It was a tricky project, but Glenns came out great!
Broken heart necklace by Gabe Bocchino. Glass half full: I see it more as two halves united!
Heres a cool three-heart art piece from Paul Willmore. Love the color of the wood.
This is the second year Zach Mustard has a valentines project for us. Last year he made a lighted heart for his girlfriend. This time he made this rotating jewelry carousel.
Not a heart, but fitting the Valentine theme, Dallas Diehl made roses from a 100-year-old juniper fence post stem. 
Finally, this is my absolute favorite design! This bud vase holder from Jens Klank is so classy.
Mere Minutes
From yesterday. 

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