Selasa, 31 Mei 2016

Ive been building a shishi-odoshi this week with that bamboo I picked up from my sons school last month. It is proving to be more difficult that I thought it would be. Lots of fussiness. I should have it and the video done by Friday. Heres where I was with it last night. Then I had to think about it overnight.
After I posted my garden gate video, a few people sent me great examples of gates they have made. But I think this is my favorite. From Romano Bertarelli in Germany, this one speaks for itself!
Wait, more mallets? Sure, why not. If you havent jumped on that bandwagon yet, try one! Im tellin ya...youll find all sorts of uses for it.
Heres one from my pal Brian Gidney:
And Bruce Thoms version: 
Now Bruce has also been busy making boxes. Check out this bandsaw box...only his second one. Very cool.
Larry Briski made a couple of projects based on videos I posted eons ago. A beautiful jewelry box:
And a drill press table! Out of all the home-made shop upgrades and jigs I have made, noting is more useful than my drill press table. I highly recommend building yourself one!
Now Daniel DeKeyser is a very busy 17-year-old woodworker who has made not just a mallet:
But the drill press table too!
A table saw sled, 
and a router lift for a router he doesnt have yet! Wow. Thats ambitious!

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