Senin, 16 Mei 2016

More Spring project ideasKevin Schlomas has been one busy guy in his yard. heres a curved fire-pit bench he made "using a zillion pocket-hole screws".
Kevin also made this pair of cedar, tile-top side tables from plans he got at Also built using pocket hole screws. The top is a standard 12"x12" ceramic tile.
Robert Naylor, up in Montreal, tells me that the arrival of Spring is a big deal: no more snow. Hes still "road testing" his portable outdoor work station...complete with beer fridge! Says Robert, 
 I made it on big wheels so I can "wheel-barrel" it into my shed to keep it out of the elements. Basically I use it with a coleman 2 burner camp stove in conjunction with my regular BBQ. So basically all the prepwork and cooking is done outside! The top is tiled but its not evident in the pictures.
John in Hadley got the plans for his porch swing from Wood Magazine. (Check out Woods outdoor seating plans. Good stuff.)
"The arm rests are scrap plywood, the uprights for the arm rests are left over 2x4, The supports for the slats came from the neighbors firewood pile, and the slats were from a futon we were throwing away. I did buy the chain though. This was only 4 beer project and is so simple that you can make them as house warming gifts. The next time I paint it I will make one change. Note the top (with hearts) and bottom are cut from the same piece. I will recut the bottom to be straight so legs dont hit it."
What says "Spring" better thank a lemonade stand? Morry Hansen made this classic stand for his grandkids.
Id like to build something like this bench Jason Piper made. I think it would be just so cozy in a garden nook. Especially with vines growing on that lattice.
Jason also built this Adirondack chair set from plans he got at They recline and Hason says they are very comfortable. 

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