For all that you do,Grr-Ripper, to keep us from harm:haiku very much.At age fourteen INeed to stay safe so I wanta new Grr-Ripper nowGrr-Ripper straight and trueIt saves my fingers oh phewNow I am not blueSaw Teeth Make Hands CringeGrr-Ripper Appears, Danger WanesFingers Fing FreelyGrr-Ripper what a namePrevent kickbacks all the sameSafety is the gameFingers! Five each hand.Keep them there with Grr-Ripper, orUse toes for zipper.Lumber freshly cutKicking back into my gutAlas! No Grr-Ripper!*************Now its up to you!Take a moment to head over to the Mere Mortals Facebook Page and vote for your favorite. Ill keep the poll running until next Sunday. Whoever receives the most votes wins the Grr-Ripper. Good luck!

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