Ive been working on a noisemaker. Something loud. This is one of those projects that went round and round in my head for quite a while. Every time I came up with something, I would sketch it out and discover parts that I didnt like. Eventually I came up with sort-of a wood bell. It also looks something like a cowbell.
I havent completed it yet, but heres an idea what it will look like.

Last years noisemakerI dont think this years will be as loud as last years, but in case you missed it, heres the simple noisemaker I built last year. It is so loud that after about one second of its use, I guarantee people will yell, "STOP THAT RACKET!"
As an aside, this was one of the first videos I made with my new camera and hadnt quite worked out the settings, which is why its kind of dark. But here it is a year later, and Fridays video will be the first to feature my new lighting setup! I cant believe how much better they make every shot look. I was really getting frustrated dealing with certain high-contrast scenes and inconsistent lighting. So I guess once a year Ill kick the show up a notch.

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