Hey Kids! Wanna be a woodworker? Listen to FUN guys like US! |
I wont ask you to sit through the entire video ( I certainly didnt) but watch the first ten minutes where the dude on the left lambastes regular people who like to exercise their freedom. He compares YouTubers to children who simply post vanity videos.
Im not sure if the guy on the right serves any function; he just sits there and nods to the other guy. Naturally, they dont post their videos on You Tube where the public could comment.
I vetted out their video and determined it is far to dull to embed on my web site, so heres the link.
Its curious to watch people in a sinking industry desperately grasping for anything to keep them afloat, rather than creating their own relevant content. Its easier to attack people making and distributing free videos than to compete. Im sure Fine Woodworking offers overpriced DVDs (also a dying format) featuring these guys. Can you imagine trying to sit through one of those without falling asleep?
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