Senin, 30 Mei 2016

Nighthawk sent over a picture of his version of my bent-wood Valentine candy box. He says it was a good way to earn bonus points with his wife and justify tool purchases. Read more about it on his blog.
Over on Facebook, Mark Martinez posted his heart. His first attempt at bent lamination.
Bill Wilson, always in the shop, tried his hand at his first cutting board. Since Ive made my first, family members are putting in requests for Christmas!
Wanted to also show off some very creative pieces by Vincent Fulton that remind me of highly stylized cutting boards!
Finally, I wanted to show you a new woodworker making videos. This is 10-year-old Matthew Agate  from Placentia, Newfoundland Canada, who built a rocking horse as part of Marc Spagnuolos Woodworkers Fighting Cancer charity build. A lot of people built these horses, but Matthew has to be the youngest. Nice work Matthew! Looking forward to more videos.

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