Minggu, 31 Januari 2016

Are you familiar with a game called Kubb? Olivier Van den Brande in Belgium sent over a picture of a Kubb set he made. I love backyard games. I need to look into this further and maybe make a set.
And here it is again: fishing season! I actually just made that up because I dont fish. Nor do I think fishing has a season: Ive seen guys fishing on frozen lakes. Not my idea of a good time, but what does look fun is making a fishing rod rack! And that was a really long and convoluted way to get to Tim Bailys pictures of this beautiful fishing rod rack he made! 
Mike Szymanski made one of my folding step stools and uses it on job sites from Michigan to Alaska. Calls it a real knee-saver. He made his out of oak and used maple dowels. Sounds really sturdy.
One more entry into the Picnic Tote club. This one from frequent contributor, Bill Wilson.
First time project! I dont recall any of my first woodworking projects coming out this nice. Kim Whitley-Gaynor made this rustic farmhouse table using reclaimed wood. Take a moment to read about the process on her blog, Living Vintage.
Banana stand! You may recall my banana stand project from way back in February. I can tell you that I actually do get a lot of use out of it and it does actually keep bananas fresh longer. Heres Peter Nowikows version that reminds me of a question mark! Thanks Peter!
Mere Minutes
This is a scene I cut out of my bookends video. I think its a pretty useful technique so i decided to post it as a Mere Minutes video.