Selasa, 08 Maret 2016

I subscribe to a lot of YouTube channels. 213 to be exact. At least half of those are woodworkers. I try to make it a point to subscribe to (and watch) every woodworker who makes videos. There are many reasons to subscribe to channels you enjoy, but mostly because it shows support for that creator and motivates him or her to create more. Remember, most of these people are making videos in their spare time while juggling day jobs. From a practical standpoint, when you subscribe to a channel you will be notified when new videos are released.
Subscribing also gets you involved in the world of YouTube and will lead you to many more discoveries. Each channel you support has its own community you can become a part of. The tips and ideas you will pick up from so many diverse woodworkers becomes the ultimate woodworking course. And you dont have to pay a dime for the instruction.
Ultimate table saw cabinetDrew Short began his show,  Rock-n H Woodshop, last year and  has been producing videos on a pretty regular basis. Hes been spending a lot of time working on an amazing mobile cabinet for his table saw which he just completed. There are a lot of features on it, enough to give you some great ideas. I dont think Ive ever seen a table saw cabinet with so much storage! Check out the whole series of videos on the build.
Im looking forward to seeing what Rock-n H Woodshop has in store for season two.
Visit and subscribe to Drews channel here. If you like what you see, give him a thumbs up and leave a positive comment too.

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