Rabu, 13 April 2016

Please welcome Micro Jig as a new sponsor to the show! Great products and people.
For Valentines Day, I decided to make a heart-shaped box with a little extra. It has a tray area, for sorting change, holding rings or whatever. I wanted the design to flow together as one unit and repeat the sweeping arcs of the heart shape.
If youve made a band saw box before, you will recognize the techniques. This is sort of like making two in one. Just consider the tray area as a second box: instead of slicing off the back, you will just add a separate base.
I used purpleheart and padauk and it really looks nice, although I wouldnt recommend using such hard woods. Bandsaw boxes require a lot of sanding to smooth out the blade marks and your will struggle less with a soft wood.
PlansIm quite proud of this cutting template! It includes all the steps you will need to perform to make this box. Just print it out (make sure you set your printers scaling to 100% size) and paste it to a block of wood.
  • Download WWMM Heart-shaped box template. (pdf)

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