Rabu, 13 April 2016

This is the first entry into a new series called the Inspiration Project. Each Tuesday I am asking creative people (some you may recognize and others I hope to introduce) for their responses to the simple question, "What inspires?" They can interpret that question however they like and submit their responses in any form they choose. It might be an essay or a video. Maybe a poem or script. Perhaps a sketch or a photo series. Inspiration has no rules.
"Everybody struggles with inspiration at some point in time.  I think that the most important thing is to do something." - Chris Wong 
Vancouver-based Chris Wong is a self-taught woodworker who creates art that is sometimes fluid, sometimes angular, often organic-looking, yet inspired by man-made objects. All of his pieces cause my eyes to linger and examine.
I didnt have to think twice about asking him kick off this series. Inspiration surrounds all of us: Chris just keeps his mind open to it.
Visit Flair Woodworks, to see much more of his work.
Chris decided to submit a video as his response to the Inspiration Project. I hope after watching it you take a moment to consider the possibilities surrounding you every day, and how you might apply them to your own creations.

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