Jumat, 20 Mei 2016

Sorry I havent posted anything this week. Its getting down to the end of the school year for Wyatt and we are scrambling to finish up a couple of units I wanted to complete this year. Then its off to high school next fall.
We had a meeting earlier in the week for all the parents of the drama students. Its really going to be a busy curriculum.  For performing arts schools, this one looks really awesome.
Naturally, we were hit up for lots of parent volunteering. I signed up to work in the build crew to help make sets, props, and what-not. That should be really fun. I suspect they will have a lot of work for me, since I have a shop. Crazy how schools no longer have wood shops. Or any other trade classes for that matter.
New wood!It was a great week for mail, and I have to give a few shout-outs to people who sent me stuff.
Larry Clinton send me a large box of all kinds of extra wood: mahogany, ipe, etc.
Scott Egbert sent me an enormous box of Walnut, Mahogany and something red.
And lastly, thanks goes to our friend Tim Sluder, who sent me four small mirrors and a bunch of shaker pegs! My imagination is already running wild. Gotta come up with something cool.
So thanks guys! I really appreciate your support. Looks for this stuff in upcoming projects.
The Fair Chair 2011.
The Marin County Fair is at the beginning of July, so I already got a head start this year. You may recall back in January when I showed you this picture of a chair that I thought I may try to duplicate.
It takes me a while to get around to things, but heres my version:

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