Rabu, 01 Juni 2016

Spring is here! Time for outdoor DIY projects. 
This week Ive designed a shabby-chic side table for your deck or patio. Anyone can build this project with just a few basic tools and no large workshop space is necessary. I made this entire project using free wood obtained from old pallets.
  • You can make this entirely using hand tools, but it will be much easier if you have a jigsaw and a power sander. Both are inexpensive, easy to use, and will save you a lot of time and muscle aches. 
  • If you would like to try your hand at busting apart a pallet (its quite easy to do) you will need a crowbar and a hammer with a claw for prying out nails. 
  • I used 1/2" dowels for the exposed pins. These are decorative and not necessary for the strength of the table. If you would like to include them, you will need a drill and a 1/2" bit for boring holes.
  • I used wood glue, 1", and 3/4" nails to assemble the project. The glue gives the table its strength: the nails are just needed to hold the pieces in place while the glue dries.
  • A couple of clamps would be handy.
  • I finished my table using Spar Urethane. Its a great outdoor finish that will protect the wood from the elements.
  •  I used 80 grit (rough) sandpaper, mostly to clean off dirt, and stopped there. 
If you would like to give this project a try here are some plans:
  • WWMM Rustic side table plans (PDF)
  • SketchUp file
Building it is very easy. If you are new to woodworking, maybe a new home owner who wants to get ready for outdoor entertaining this summer, this is a great project to start with. There is no need to get too fussy about any of it: its supposed to look rustic!*****