Senin, 04 April 2016

Storage cabinetNaturally, since Ive been cleaning out my shop and freeing up a lot of space, I needed to build a storage cabinet for the inevitable incoming stuff that will need to be disposed of in a few years. The cycle of life will continue!
One thing I want to do is avoid rushing into filling up my new-found wall space. I kind of like reveling in the minimalism. (Well, comparatively speaking.) But I did want to build this cabinet immediately to alleviate some of my workbench clutter.
This sliding door cabinet is a good size for most garages. Its deep enough to store all sorts of things, but the shelves arent so deep that it builds up layers of stuff you cant get to because its hiding behind other stuff. You can easily adjust the size of this cabinet to fit your space, but I would keep its depth under 12". The shelves in mine are 10.5".
The construction is very simple and utilitarian. There are no fancy joints or techniques. You can make it out of a single sheet of 3/4" plywood. I used solid wood for the face frame and shelf supports, but plywood would be fine, and there is enough in that single sheet. You will also need 1/4" plywood for the doors.
I picked up the plastic door runners at my local hardware store. If you cant find them, heres an Amazon link.Check in tomorrow as I further discuss my organization efforts and my philosophy behind them.
Free plans:
  • WWMM Sliding-door garage cabinet (pdf)
  • Sketchup file