Selasa, 15 Maret 2016

Lets get started with a stunner. Check out Morry Hansens bridges. Somehow a bridge can bring out the elegance of any yard. Gorgeous at night.
I love this little planter Chris Brown made. Might be perfect for Easter, and theres still plenty of time too!
Theres something romantic and nostalgic about benches. (Even though I have no nostalgic memories of ever doing anything romantic in a bench.) I like the simplicity and coziness of this bench built by Kris Childs. Makes me want to sit on it on my front porch. (Even thought Ive never had a front porch.)
Finally, Bill Wilsons been keeping me updated on this cupcake stand he made at the request of Mrs. Wilson. While not strictly a Spring project, I could certainly see it being used for Easter. That, and well, I may just steal his idea for a video project!
Mere Minutes.
Todays update on the Ted saga, if youve been following it.
This just in: Stephen D. Carroll over on Facebook just found Ted! Well at least the photo of Ted: Yup, its a stock image from called "Friendly Man". Too funny.
Personally, I thought Ted may have been the Brawny Man. 

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